Find out what makes our show the best and how we got there.
A One-of-a-Kind Event
There are tons of boating shows across the Southeast, so we want to make something clear, the East TN Fishing Show & Expo isn’t just another boat show. It’s an event designed to provide fisherman with everything they could possibly want or need under one roof. This includes gear, gadgets, apparel, and of course, boats, but it also includes the opportunity to meet and learn from professional fisherman, family activities, and a chance to become part of a community that loves the sport of fishing as much as you do!

Creating the Best Fishing Show in the Southeast
A fishing show has been held in the Knoxville area for over 30 years with several different owners, locations, and levels of success along the way.
In 2010 Shelia Bunch became the new owner, changed the name to East TN Fishing Show & Expo, and established the goal of turning it into the best fishing show in the Southeast. She rebuilt the show with a stronger focus on what fishermen want—exhibitors, vendors, and boat dealers with an exclusive focus on fishing.
The show steadily improved and grew each year until it outgrow its original venue, The Jacobs Building. With a growing number of attendees and a long waitlist for new vendors, the decision was made to move the East Tennessee Fishing Show & Expo to the 90,000 square foot Knoxville Expo Center.
The Knoxville Expo Center benefitted the show, the vendors, and guests! Vendors and exhibitors had more space and a streamlined process for moving in and out. The location was great for guests with convenient access to restaurants, hotels, and the greater Knoxville area.
The first year in this new (and significantly larger) venue drastically exceeded all expectations–two months prior to opening day exhibitor/vendor space was sold out and there was a waiting list for the following year.